My top 5 Figma plugins.

Utkarsh Singh
4 min readOct 19, 2021

Figma is growing insanely great as an awesome collaboration forum for designers, so I started exploring the plugin field and I created my own list of plugins, and these plugins made my design workflow faster and better.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash


Spelll is a basic spell search plugin for Figma. Which was one of the best spell check plugins for Figma in 2020 as it makes your design more effective. Most times designers don’t need this plugin, because they don’t type a lot of text while designing, but sometimes when working on apps such as books, blogging, we would have to put the text and if we encounter such typos, it causes a bad impression on the client.


Therefore this plugin might be necessary for projects where a lot of text is required, as it helps save up time and relieve ourselves of stress.

Image Palette

Palettes are essential for designers, the palette helps a designer to create their design with specific colors, and it maintains the brand value and consistency.

Image Palette

A lot of designers get confused about how to use a color scheme, from a number of options. There is a straightforward but very powerful approach that uses a picture color palette. And in this case, “Image palette” is going to be the right option.

The Image Palette will extract some of the key colors from the image. And then the colors are processed and arranged as a palette under the painting. It’s sort of a simple add-on, but it works pretty well. Picture Palette is a fun way to select a color palette for your design.


Unsplash offers photographs from different categories, such as animals, architecture, nature, portraits, technology, etc. Many designers express their love for this plugin, so it’s one of the most installed plugins on Figma.


Unsplash offers more than 1 million free stock images in different types, you can either scan for an image or you can randomly place an image within Figma.

Any Designer needs to make their work appealing and attractive. And nothing can do better than an image, the image is a part of the design that most appeals to the consumer, so it’s important to use high-quality images within the design. And to support designers in this situation, “Unsplash” is a free plugin for high-quality images.


Instant access to any company’s brand assets. Search from millions of logos, colors, fonts, and more.


Maybe you’d agree that designing pages like “Our Partners” with lots of logos might be really annoying, especially when the partner companies don’t provide us with their logos and so you’re there searching the web for them.
Brandfetch is a real salvation for people like me: now the process of searching logos is not that annoying.
The only minus is that the logos are only in PNG format.


After adding PDF export, Figma also became a good software for creating presentations. As we all know almost all presentations contain charts. Now you can save a lot of time with this plugin, cause it automatically generates several types of charts for you. Based on properties you add, the plugin generates a chart as if it was drawn in Figma. Now instead of wasting time drawing a chart, you can automatically generate it and then make your changes.

Cons: for some reason the plugin places the generated chart into some obscure place, so you have to zoom out the page to find it. Also I couldn’t manage the sizes of pie chart segments. Hope, that would be fixed in the nearest future.


In Conclusion

Do you really like my set? Please share your comment below. Like I said I’ve used a lot of Figma plugins. But these are just 5 of my best ones. Join us, clap this post as much as you can. Thank you for reading.

